Monday, November 21, 2011

Author Interview of ME

There is a wonderful Interview of your truly on this Blog, Please check it out.

As I have said word of mouth sells books, and this is one of the newest forms of that via social networking.
Author Interviews and Book Reviews/Interviews help get the word out.

In multiple E-book Formats

On Amazon for Kindle or a paperback

Last week I sold a copy of this book, paperback, and this week when my friend Phillip Woody got back from his hunting trip in northern Missouri, he informs he his mother bought it because his name is it.
His Grandmother was looking at his mothers copy of the book and asked him, I wonder who this Phillip Woody is?  He said, It's me Grandma!  So she is buying a copy of the book, because his name is in it.

That's two copies sold just because his name is it!!  I am not complaining, I'll take whatever sales I can get, and gladly sign copies for whomever buys them.  But I just throw out into the World that Phillip Woody's Name is in my book!!!  So hurry and buy a copy today!


Bryan said...

I own them both. I have not read the second one yet but maybe this weekend. When you post links be sure to include the B&N links for us nook owners.

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