Friday, January 28, 2011

Sold My First Book

I sold my first Book!  I knew immediately without asking who had purchased it.  My number one fan all along this journey has been my best friend Phillip Woody.  He bought it so he could forever say he was the first to buy my first book ever published.  We kid each other about "Why do I like you?"  He is continually harassing me about when is my next book will be finished.  He always gets to read the rough draft before it even goes to my editor.  As a matter of fact I completely finished my second book and sent it to my editor and I didn't even have a Title for it yet.  Phillip came up with the Title after reading the book.  So I will acknowledge him for picking the perfect Title for my second book.  I have received that book back from my editor and am currently making corrections to it every evening and spare moment I get.  The title of my second book is "No Rules Of Engagement", and God willing it will be E-published later this year.


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