At what point is a colony self-sustaining?
One of my fears about going to a remote colony on another
planet would be what would happen if the climate (political or financial)
changed so that they would not be able to continually supply the colony?
The colony type of mind set and existence is a hard life to
begin with, before you throw in the added factors of no sources of oxygen,
water, or readily available food sources.
The sooner you could create some sort of large green houses to grow crops
and grass and that you could support animals like cows, goats and chickens to
supplement the food stores the sooner you could free yourself of the need of
supply in those areas.

You would want to have medical facilities to be able to take
care of injured people, deliver babies, and provide general health care to the
colonies inhabitants.
You would need some sort of law enforcement and security
personnel at some point to protect the colony from misbehaving individuals and
protect it from being taken over from other groups on Earth. The threat of some competing group taking the
colony over once it has been set up and established and using it for their our
means or profit without the initial input and expense for the research,
materials, time, and trouble of getting it up and running would be too
great. The group that started the
enterprise would have invested too much to just let somebody take it over
because of their lack of foresight to arm and secure the facility with some
form of defensive capabilities.
To begin with entertainment would be old school to say the
least. In the beginning there would be
more than work to do every day to keep everybody extremely busy. Provided the foresight was included to build
or materials provided to build further extensions of their human habitat for
furthering the capabilities of the colony.
But how far do you go? Do you
provide a foundry? Do you provide the
capabilities for drilling for gas, oil, or water? Would you provide means of creating Textile
production? Would you provide the means
to process materials and create synthetic rubber from synthetic materials?

Water and air cleaning and reuse would have to be taken to
extremes until sources for each could be created. An Agriculture cell could actually use air
high in carbon dioxide and provide fresh clean oxygen. If a source was found for hydrogen and that
mixed with the oxygen could provide fresh and new source for water. Hydrogen cell electric power plants could not
only provide electricity but give off and clean water, but I believe they use
oxygen in the process.
I get excited just thinking through the possibilities for
the future of mankind as we explore our galaxy, colonize other worlds, and create
regular commerce with each of these new entities. We are at the threshold of a new age of
exploration and discovery. Gene Roddenberry
would be proud when we assemble the first star ship with a mix of people from
all over the planet and send them on a mission to explore strange new worlds
and boldly go where no one has gone before.
In a later post I will discuss the darker side of Space
Exploration. Right now, it’s only
inhabited and exists in Science Fiction (books, television and movies) and
created by the writers of this genre.
There was a premise brought out in the Star Trek Next
Generation Series with the character known as Q where he reappears to offer the
second in command of the Enterprise a chance to join the Q, because they
discovered for all of man kinds inherent short comings we have a tremendous
capacity to overcome obstacles, our will to survive, our capacity to love, and
our natural genetic disposition for fighting that we have awesome
potential! I like to believe that
mankind for all of its eons of fighting amongst ourselves and developing as a
species has the means to rise above our pettiness, greed, hatred, intolerance,
and most importantly the ignorance of our species to eventually evolve into
something greater than we can imagine.
Have a Great Day! Thanks
for reading and sharing my thoughts and meanderings.
Thank you forr sharing this
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