Thursday, November 22, 2018

Shifting Gears

Five years ago I was forced to make a career change.  In most cases that would be a devastating event for some one of my age.  It has been a challenge and daunting at times but my new career has been a blessing beyond belief.  As I am approaching a time when I will have extra funds, be able to afford good if not expert editing for my novel writing I shall be picking up where I left off five years ago. When I walked away from writing I had several books done that I have not published yet so when I come back it will be with re edited versions of my published works and soon to follow sequels to both and a new series novel.  While this work is being edited I will creating new work still working towards that 1 million word published mark before I start my premiere work. Just...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Just Like Riding a Bike

We’ve all heard the expression that it is just like riding a bike.  Generally referring to something that once you learn how it is something you never forget how to do. But do you remember those daunting steps towards that initial goal of learning how to ride your bike.  How you first had to learn to ride with the training wheels on the bike, teetering from side to side as the bike gained its stability from bouncing against the training wheels.  Do you remember how scared you were of your new favorite toy once the training wheels came off? The most terrifying part of coasting while trying to steer as you leaned to pull your feet up automatically to the pedals as you tried to coordinate pedaling, steering and trying...

Monday, March 3, 2014

No Rules Of Engagement

Read an E-Book Week Get a FREE E-Book! “No Rules Of Engagement”  By Thomas Wilson ...


Read an E-Book Week Get a FREE E-Book! “Whisper”  By Thomas Wilson

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Election Question

I feel it is important for people to vote as much as I still believe the true power of our country and the major reason it is so great is because of its people.  Patriotic?  Yeah, just a little. I hear from people all the time that they believe their vote does not count.  That it doesn’t matter who they vote for.  I hate hearing about the horrible feelings people have about our government even though I can’t say I am impressed with the job they are doing for this country. It dawned on me that with today’s technology a major television station or I would even be more impressed if all three, CBS, NBC, and ABC, joined together and did the event simultanenously!  I think it would be great for Presidential Elections...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bigfoot, Jack-a-lopes, and New Years Resolutions

Three things among many that I don’t believe in. I don't believe in Big Foot! Someone asked me yesterday what my New Year’s Resolutions were going to be. I said I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. They asked me in a very concerned sort of way, “You don’t have any goals or ambitions for the coming year to become a better person?” That’s different.  I have tons of goals and ambitions along with trying to become a better person as I grow, learn and mature. I don't believe in Jack-a-lopes!   From my way of thinking about it – This is a ongoing process that needs to be adjusted continually as you progress through life. I don’t feel goals should be statically set or you have made it to some special...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Things You Can Control

For those who have followed my blog, you know I went through a major career change this year.  I have learned so many new things this year I can’t even qualify it all at this point.  Some of the lessons I have learned have been more prominent and useful than others. Focus on the things you can control. This is applicable in every area of your life. For me, I focus on the aspects of what I can control.  Prospecting, following up with prospects and current clients and learning as much as I can every day about the myrid of products at my disposal.  Multi-tasking and focusing on the critical activities that need to be done to suceed are important, but you must continue to not get hung up on the stuff you can’t control. As...

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