
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ignorance and Stupidity are Relative

The old saying, “You can’t fix stupid!”

It really depends on where you are in the world, who you’re talking to, and how much you filter what dribbles out of your brain before it escapes your mouth as to how far your head is stuck up your ass at the moment.

You’ll have to excuse my language as my father was an U.S. Air Force Drill Instructor and growing up I thought the phrase, “Get your head out of your ass!” was a form of endearment!

We all have our short comings in life and subjects that escape our bounds of comprehension.  I myself suffer from a complete misunderstanding of proper English and am challenged by spelling and grammar.  One could say to endeavor at the age of forty something to change my stars and become a writer would be stupid!  As I am rather well read and widely yet very eclectically educated in many subjects and varied interests, writing is the perfect challenge.  As I may struggle with English until my dying day as an author it will definitely keep my editor busy and gainfully employed.

From years of reading and being dissatisfied with the endings of books I thought about becoming a writer for many years.  Ten years actually, which is way longer than many people spend at the same job.  I just passed the twenty year mark at my day job with all the relish and excitement one gets for turning 22 years old.  I recently read about a man who spent eleven years just trying to get published so ten years thinking about it, one year to write two novels in my spare time and four months to learn how to self-publish my own book and I am about even with the other guy with one extra book published!

I published “Whisper” originally in January of 2011.  I published my second novel, “No Rules Of Engagement” in August of 2011.  Both books badly in need of work on, wait for it, English!  Between getting both books re-edited I have managed to write the sequel to the first one and almost finished with the sequel to the second one.  “Whisper” is good to go and today is the last FREE DAY it will be offered on Amazon dot com.


Don’t run out and buy the second one YET!  “No Rules Of Engagement” still needs help and is being re-edited by my editor to be re-released soon!  Stay tuned to my blog, Google+, Facebook, or Twitter and I’ll let you know when it is good to go.  If you have previously purchased a copy of it you can always re-download the corrected version for free when it’s fixed.

Coming out this year will be the Sequel to “Whisper.”  If you enjoyed Wiley Randolph, Carl Sanford, Lisa Conners, and Russell Reynolds you’ll love “Leviathan Deterrent” as it picks up where “Whisper” leaves off.
I am excited to be re-releasing the new and improved version of “No Rules Of Engagement” and am very excited that hopefully before the holidays get here the second part of that series will be out.  Alexander Hawk, Intel and the crew discover a new and sinister enemy that is using the Gators as their puppets to work and fight for them.  Where the first book was mostly training and a few surprises the second novel is high adrenalin science fiction action packed and guaranteed to please or make you sick!

If you have not read any of my books please take advantage of the FREE offer of “Whisper” today and I hope to see you back to enjoy my stupidity again and again.

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