
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crisis Management

How an organization, government, company, or Army handles situations tells a lot about the leadership, experience and competence of that group.
Many companies have policies and procedures in place to deal with specific events or crisis that may arise unexpectedly.  Regardless of the policies and procedures in place it is the people of that organization that either handle the situation or get handled by it.  Too many times people hide or escape behind the policies and procedures as means of doing nothing and not being held responsible for what does or does not happen.
I have a hand written note that the previous manager who occupied my position at this company had stuck to his bulletin board before me.  I don’t know where he got it from but after reading it the first time I decided as long as my ass sits in this chair the note stays up on the bulletin board so I can see it every day.
As a Manager . . .
Nothing happens in your location without your approval.  Whether through your actions or your lack of actions.
Thank you my friend and follower of my blog, Mike Crouch!
From time to time challenges and crisis will arise and organizations have to deal with them.  This company I work for has over twenty trucks at this location alone that are out running five to six days of the week.  From the servicing of the vehicles, having qualified drivers and knowing and following the letter of the law it is a tremendous responsibility that we take on gladly every day.
Recently, we had a situation were numerous trucks were hit by other drivers on the same day.  This is definitely not the normal situation and what I would refer to as a crisis.  The fact that my boss who was driving back into town while on vacation was notified of one of the accidents via a text message and had his wife and family drop him by the company so he could help out in our time of severe need is just part of the example of what I am talking about.
We managed to get through the day with two trucks damaged, outside of a burned wrist from an air bag going off, no further injuries to people.  Part of one route didn’t get their delivery until the next day but the customers got called and notified of the situation and were very understanding.  It was a long and stressful day for many of us, handling everything that needed handled in a timely, expedient, and safe manner.  For many members of the company nobody even knew anything out of the ordinary had even happened.
Partly a big part of our handling things is that we know what we need to do in order to do it right and cross every t and dot every i.  Not that we have lots of experience with trucks getting into wrecks but we have been trained over time and under fire.  We don’t hide behind anything but just dig in and handle the situation in the most professional and caring way we can.  We all pull and work together to get the job done to the best of our ability.  At the end of the day when we all can go home, it has been a good day!
In the opening of the post I put Army’s.  Armies have to handle crisis more than any other organization, and at the end of the day everybody may not be going home.  Or they all will but some will be in a body bag or a box.  I was trained in Armor in the United States Army and I feel that the way I deal with crisis management is in a large part due to my fine training from my time spent in the U.S. Military.

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